Thursday, 23 February 2017

Spirit Guides

Good morning, afternoon and evening...hopefully i have covered them all :-)

So as I mentioned in a previous post, I will be introducing my Spirit Team, these are the team of guides that I work with on daily basis, that assist me in my readings, teachings and healing.

But firstly let talk about what a spirit guide is...

Through my work with my guides I have been shown that we have one personal guide that is with us from birth to death, and they are there to help us grow along our path. Their job is also to bring in other guides during our life time who come to us when we need to move along in our spiritual and personal growth. These new guides can stay for weeks, months, years or the rest of your life, it is solely dependant on what needs to be learnt and the time that takes you (yes we are ultimately responsible) 

You will often find that just before a new guides arrival, you will get restless, feel like something is supposed to be happening but not sure what, have more vivid dreams, feel that some-one is watching you, all this is normal and is to be celebrated as you are about to take a leap into the unknown!!!

I have found that my psychic gift is heighten just before a new guide makes themselves known, which can sometimes lead to an unsettling feeling, use this time to allow the universe to release all that is not needed for the move forward. I now look forward to this time and embrace with open arms as I know that new knowledge is coming soon. 

OK so how you meet yours guides, and how to hear/see/feel them, will be in another post directed just at that, as there are so many different ways to go about this that I like to give you a few options, as you are the one that needs to feel comfortable with the process.

So introducing the main man!!! and yes his energy is very much like this, I was having a Reiki session with a great friend and fellow healer once and we both saw him standing at the end of the massage table, he did not like how i had been "using" him in my readings and healing! he said at the time that "I am here just for you" "when are you going to understand this" well as you can imagine after this i did get it pretty quick!

So this guide is my personal guide, he come to me as male with a headdress on that look a lot like a birds beak, so most of the time i am not able to see his face, he has not yet given me his name although i have asked and will continue to ask. He comes from the Macedonian era, which is around the 9th, 10th and 11th centuries, he was a warrior for his people and is very gruff in his approach (which on occasions i have poked fun at) but he does have an gentle way of getting his message across to me. He has asked me to "spend" some time with him everyday, connect with him and his energy to gain insight to how my day will go. I do try and I mostly manage this about 90% of the time, and when i do take the time to sit and connect with him, my day does flow. 

Now I know that you are thinking, well that would be great if i had the time, or it's not going to work for me as i have, kids, work,study..a life :-) yes that is very true we all are very busy, running around trying to do everything at once, but I have found that just 5 minutes first thing in the morning..before I get into my day to just say Hi, good morning, how's my day looking? then allowing him to connect with me is what gives me the flow for the day. When i forget or jump into my day head first...i do feel more like i am chasing my tail, spinning from one thing to another without any real direction. So I feel that i can spare 5 minutes daily to gain so much more.

I will be introducing the rest of my Spirit Team in the next few posts so say tuned.

Blessings Helen xoxo 

Tuesday, 21 February 2017

Herb of the Month

Lemon Balm (Melissa officinalis)
As we are leaving (hopefully) the long days and nights of heat, we are in need of some calming and soothing and this herb is the one that I feel is energetically resonating with us this month.
Lemon balm is an easy herb to grow and it is also a bee attracting herb. This is a fantastic herb that is great for that “busy head” we all get sometimes, and due to its calming qualities it is useful for soothing frayed nerves and calming children that can tend to be a little bit hyper at the end of the day. Traditionally Lemon balm has been used to treat upset stomach and it is very good for babies that have colic. If you crush the leaves you can use on a bite or a sting as it helps to ease the need to itch.
Here are some quick and easy ideas that you can make:
Lemon Balm sleepy syrup:

  • ·         ¾ cup of Lemon balm leaves
  • ·         Small pot
  • ·         Water
  • ·        Raw honey
Place the lemon balm leaves in a small pot and add just enough water to cover them, simmer and cover partially. Once the liquid has been reduced to half, strain and while still warm add ¼ cup of raw honey. Store in the fridge for approx. 2 weeks. Dose is one teaspoon at night to assist in calm sleep. (do not get to children under the age of one due to the honey) If you wish to make a larger batch just remember to keep it to 2 parts lemon balm infusion to 1 part honey.
Lemon Balm herbal water
This is so quick and easy to make and fantastic on hot days a must to keep in the fridge.
Fill a jar with fresh lemon balm leaves, thinly sliced lemon, lime and orange. Pour cold water in until it reaches the top then refrigerate for 2/3 hours

Blessings Helen xoxo
Important Note
Understand that while lemon balm is considered safe for most people, caution should be used if pregnant, nursing or have any thyroid conditions. Any other questions or concerns please consult a qualified health professional

Spirit Animal


Wow I get absolutely totally love butterflies and to me they have always symbolise the essence of Spirit. Butterflies go through a transformation called metamorphosis. This transformation is truly amazing as the caterpillar needs to “digest” itself in order to release hormones that then begin the building process of the butterfly. When the transformation is finished out comes a stunning creature. Now the other amazing thing is that not only do the caterpillar look totally different from a butterfly they also act different. One lives in the trees the other flies, one eats leaves and the other will live entirely on nectar. So it’s a fantastic mechanism developed by nature, yet it symbolises how we are humans transform from a physically being to spirit.

Some meanings of butterflies as a spirit animal
  • ·         Moving through different life cycles
  • ·         Renewal, rebirth
  • ·         Elevation from earthly matters, turning into emotional or spiritual ones
  • ·         The world of the soul, psyche
  • ·         Powerful transformation in your life

So when a butterfly crosses your path they are asking you to see that soon you will be going through some important changes within your life, that when you move through these to be sure to do so with grace as it is inevitable.  They are powerful animals to when you are in need of support through life changes and to do this you can simply stand outside, lift up your hands and visualize them sitting on your hands. Then ask for them to assist you in your next transformation and watch them gentle fly off.
If one has fluttered by or has indeed come to sit upon you know that they are there to let you know that you need to embrace the changes coming, to let go of any expectations as to the outcome and don’t try to control it. Have faith in the process and the rest will follow. WE are entering a soul-journey and it will be one that will bring us great joy and happiness.

Blessings Helen xoxo

The wonders and mystery of Tarot Cards

Tarot cards have long been used to tell people’s future and they are in some respect the most well-known divination tool. Tarot cards and also many other types of cards like oracle cards assist us in opening ourselves to the unknown, or psychic / spiritual side.  Today’s decks are spilt into Major Arcana and Minor Arcana, and the main influence in the 20th century would be Arthur Waite, this was to be the first publicly to be accepted as the standard. There are so many myths associated with the Tarot that it is hard to tell fact from fiction but to truly understand the Tarot you need to understand your connection to the Divine. 

We will be using the 22 Major Arcana for the journey through the tarot so if you have a deck or if you just want to use these here, please join me. 

The Fool - He is beginning of the Tarot deck, he is who starts the ball rolling, and he signifies change as he is un-moulded potential that is pure and innocent as he is neither good or bad, positive or negative as there is the possibility of both with this card. He is the first step into the unknown; he is letting you know that you have the chance to take a new direction and to make sure that what you are taking with you works for you and you only.
When the Fool appears in a reading he is signalling that change is here, what we do with it is now totally up to us. He also asks us to look at what and who we have in our life, is it still working for us or can we let it go, as we want to only take with us what is right for us on this new journey.

So you are the fool and you are standing on the crossroads to the unknown, which path will you choose? where will it take you? this is the exciting part, this is where we can often sit for too long waiting for some sign or someone to tell us which way to go, that we can forget to listen to our "Heart Voice", this is our ultimate guide as this is your soul. I want you to look at this card and feel the energy of the Fool, the energy of the unknown, the excitement of it all of it, acknowledge the newness of your path, the newness of your next steps and as this month of March unfolds see what usual, unexpected and totally wonderful things come into your life.

Blessings Helen xoxo 

(Deck – Legacy of the Divine Tarot by Ciro Marchetti)

Energy and how it can affect us

I want to share how I filter the energies that I come in contact with on a daily basis when doing my readings / healings and I felt it might assist you also. As we are all dealing with people on a daily basis  in which ever form that might take, we connect  with other energies and sometimes we can become overwhelmed or drained afterwards.
So I have heard people talk about "protection" but I have always felt that this was coming from a place of fear rather than love so through a meditation I received a vision of what to be looked like a flyscreen!
My guides explained that this was my filter, it was silver and white but often changes as I need it to. It was a mesh made up of lots of tiny holes (like an actual flyscreen) which they told me that I could make as large or as small as I wanted to and to practice.
This filter allows the energies to flow but it stops the attachment that can sometimes happen without our knowledge. It can allow you to sit in their energy and know that it's theirs; help them to move forward and through it without taking it on broad. At the end of the day I always turn my filter into a bug zapper to zap any unwanted attachments. This leaves me free and in my energy and in my space.
One thing that I have noticed in the past that often a bubble is used to "protect" our energy the issue that I have found with this is that your own energy is also trapped inside this bubble and can often lead to an explosion when least expected. So a filter allows free flowing energies.
I hope this resonates with someone and would love to know how others do it.

Blessings Helen xoxo

Hello and welcome to my wonderful world of all things psychic, come with me on a journey of discovery

Welcome to my blog...and my weird and wonderful world of all things Psychic.

I want to start by staying thank you for reading my words as I know that we all live a busy life..and that in it's self can become a problem when we are no-longer able to stop and be in the moment, and I have been given over the last few weeks, visions and messages from my spirit team (who i will be introducing you all to very soon) that we so need to stop, breathe and enjoy the Moment.

I truly see my ability to connect to spirit as a privilege and a gift, and as such I would love to share this gift with you....

But first a little bit about myself….because as you will find out as we journey together, just how much I love to talk, and not just about me! I was born in Cornwall England, and I have been able to see, hear and feel spirit since I was about 5 years old. I come from a fairly conservative family that I have to be honest still to this day do not believe in “this” ability, but I have come to the realisation that I do not need anyone else’s approval. To seek other people’s approval means that you stop listening to your “Heart Voice” as I like to call it. When you stop listening,  you stop being able to see the way forward clearly and need to have assistance. This is where I come in, I step in to show you how to re-connect to your “Heart Voice”,  show you how to hear what the universe and your guides are telling you. 

In the early years I just used to “chat” to others in the room and tell my parents that it was my imaginary friend, as you can image I had lots of friends! I would chat to them just as if you would chat to someone in person. The information that I got was often very random, like “I am ok over here, love that I am not in pain anymore”, or “I want them to know that they can stop worrying about me”, sometimes it would be more specific and I would get messages to pass on. This as you can image created an issue, as no-one really knew that I could see or hear spirit. I was lucky that I had someone who did believe in me and she let me speak freely with her and I know that she sometimes knew who I was referring to. She gave me my first taste of exploring the unknown in a safe spot.  She let me know that with this gift comes great responsibility as not everyone will want to know about spirits that are around them and in that case it would not be ethical to pass on messages that have not been asked for. This is one thing that I have found a great help and one thing that when I teach my students I try to impress upon them, remember to always come from a place of love did not force information on others.

I did try to block out my gift for quite sometime as I did not want to be "bombarded" with constant messages, but I found that the more I tried to block it the more they would come. I was then at a crossroads as to what to do with this gift / ability, when one day after constantly asking the divine for help, I was literally hit on the forehead with the help!

This forehead slap as I like to call it was me tripping up the gutter to hit my forehead on a telegraph pole on which was a flyer for the local spiritualist church!! and yes your guides can often be this literal if they feel that you are not getting the message. So after picking myself up off the floor, I decided that to stop anything else happening I should take their advise and go along to one of the services. The rest as people often say is history.

There I was introduced to a amazing lady who radiated, love and light, she made you just want to sit in her presence and smile. She became my mentor and showed me many different ways to connect more strongly and with more openness. She also help me built my "filter" as i like to call it to unsure that I was free to open up to spirit as and when I wanted and not to be constantly bombarded.

As to what happens next....well you will just have to read on....

Blessings Helen xoxo