Bear - Healing, wisdom, strength, change, power,
introspection, intuition
· The main meaning of the
Bear Spirit animal is about strength and confidence.
· The Bear, he shows us
how to stand against adversity, he inspires us to take action and step into leadership
· The spirit of the bear
indicates it’s time for healing to occur and we need to use healing abilities
to help ourselves, and or others
· In Bear medicine he emphasizes
the importance of solitude, quiet time, rest
· The spirit of the Bear
provides us with strong grounding forces
The Bear is in touch with the earth and all its cycles, he
is a powerful guide who can support us both physically and emotionally in times
of healing. He tells us that we need to take time for ourselves, to rest, allow
ourselves to rejuvenate and to this we need solitude. So step outside the busy
schedule and look beyond the surface. This may bring up past hurts and the Bear
is there to help us heal past hurts and to move forward, with grace and
When the Bear comes into our life’s as a Spirit Guide, he is
there to show us the inner strength deep within, that fearlessness, that will
allow us to take leadership in our life, and take action. The Bear is a wise
teacher and he comes to us when we need our path cleared and help to focus on
what is coming up without distractions. He allows us to make our choices wisely
knowing that we have the support we need.
Helen xoxo