Friday, 31 March 2017

Bear Spirit Guide

Bear - Healing, wisdom, strength, change, power, introspection, intuition

The bear has many different meanings that inspire those who have this animal as totem,
·  The main meaning of the Bear Spirit animal is about strength and confidence.
·  The Bear, he shows us how to stand against adversity, he inspires us to take action and step into leadership
·  The spirit of the bear indicates it’s time for healing to occur and we need to use healing abilities to help ourselves, and or others
·  In Bear medicine he emphasizes the importance of solitude, quiet time, rest
·  The spirit of the Bear provides us with strong grounding forces

The Bear is in touch with the earth and all its cycles, he is a powerful guide who can support us both physically and emotionally in times of healing. He tells us that we need to take time for ourselves, to rest, allow ourselves to rejuvenate and to this we need solitude. So step outside the busy schedule and look beyond the surface. This may bring up past hurts and the Bear is there to help us heal past hurts and to move forward, with grace and gratitude.

When the Bear comes into our life’s as a Spirit Guide, he is there to show us the inner strength deep within, that fearlessness, that will allow us to take leadership in our life, and take action. The Bear is a wise teacher and he comes to us when we need our path cleared and help to focus on what is coming up without distractions. He allows us to make our choices wisely knowing that we have the support we need. 

Helen xoxo

Tuesday, 14 March 2017

Spirit Guides continued

Hi beautiful people,

I thought that today I would introduce you all to my Gatekeeper, as I have said in previous posts my Spirit Team consist of 6 guides. My Gatekeeper, Teacher, Healer, Joy guides x 2 and a Communications Guide (this is a fairly new guide) these guides have been with me now for the last 7 - 10 years...

So lets introduce you to my GateKeeper and what his role is for myself. He is the one that will first interact with the spirits of passed loved ones, he will gather information for me before my readings and let me know a "heads up" as it were as to who or what might be on the cards that day. He is also the one that I will ask to "close or turn off" my gift when I am not "on" or working. As you know it is not really possible to complete turn off your psychic gifts, but you also do not want to be walking around all day WIDE OPEN to all the spiritual activity that is taking place. That would be SO exhausting on so many level. So it is his responsibility to filter this information / energy for myself. Now i have never been given his name and I have only ever "seen" him as a pillar of Blue and white light. He always stands behind me and gives me the information that he has gathered from the spirits. When the spirits of the clients loved ones are comfortable with myself and the process I will then often communicate with them directly and my GateKeeper steps back.

Just to give you a little visual on how I "see" the spirits in my readings. I visualise a corridor that extends out behind me and at the end of this corridor is a door, the spirits come through this door and proceed up the corridor towards my GateKeeper, they then move into the room when they feel comfortable to do so. Sometimes spirits will stand at the doorway and not come up any further, this is often because they feel that they have anything to say or just wish to observe. This is how I see spirit, remember it is different for everyone.

With all my guides I work very closely with them on a regular basis, to ensure that they are clear on what I expect of them and what is necessary for me to know. I don't really believe that you should just let them tell you how it should be, as I am part of the process so it needs to be a two way street. Remember to set your boundaries with your guides and spirits the same way that you would with a friend or family member.

I will introduce you to my amazing Healer guide soon

Helen xoxo 

Saturday, 4 March 2017

Dragon Meditation

Dragon Mediation

Close your eyes, take three deep breathes…….breathe in…..hold for 2 seconds then release through the mouth……and again…breathe in….hold for 2 seconds then release through the mouth...and last time…breathe in….hold for 2 seconds then release through the mouth.

You find yourself in a clearing in the forest….in the distance you can see a mountain range through the trees…….to your left there is a path into the forest………… start to walk along this path….you look around and see different trees and plants growing beside the path……………….birds sing in the branches and you hear animals running from your footsteps……….you continue on this path and it starts to head upwards……….the trees start to thin out and you can see the mountains more clearly now………………one mountain in particular stands out to you as it looks like the talon of a Dragon…………..this is the mountain you must head towards……………………..the path continues to take you upwards…………you notice that as you are walking you seem to be getting closer to the mountains with each step……………………….the path then takes a turn to the right which leads you to the bottom of the mountain….how did you get here so quick you think……..Dragon Magic is working in this land.

As you start to walk around the base of the mountain you come to an opening in the mountain side, you step into the cave and take a moment to let your eyes adjust to the dim light…………………you look up to your left and see a lantern on a ledge, you take this down from the ledge and it starts to glow…………………..the path continues deeper into the cave and you continue to follow this………………………you notice that it is starting to get warmer as you go deeper into the cave……………………………… you continue on the path you see that the walls, floor and ceiling are made from a crystal……take note of what type of crystal it is or just remember the colour as this will have some baring on your Dragon and it’s nature……………

The path continues down into the mountain and you come to a underground lake………… one-side of this lake there is a boat jetty and tried up on this jetty is a boat……………..what type of boat is it……….does it has a sail or is it just a little row boat……………..take note of how your boat looks as this will give you some clues as to the nature of your Dragon………………………….you step into the boat and it starts to glide slowly forward deeper into the mountain side……………… look around you but all you can see is darkness…………even your lantern does not throw much light……………………it is still and quiet……………you can hear the water lapping against the boat…………………………the boat glides to a stop at the bottom of some stairs…….you step out of the boat and take your lantern and start up these stairs…………………….these stairs are steep and you have to watch your footing……………………the stairs lead upwards in a spiral……………………………………….just when you are beginning to believe that these stairs will never end…… reach a landing…………on this landing there is a door……..again take note of the door……….does it have any writing on it………….is a certain colour…….all will help you with your Dragon……………you turn the handle of the door…………………….and inside is…..a long corridor……………….with 7 door leading off it……………… must choose a door to go through to meet your Dragon…….now is the time to look back on the type of boat you travelled here on, what colour was your crystals and what was you door like…….walk up and down the corridor to get a feel for the doors……………….then choose one that feels right to you….you can not be wrong here…..your dragon will guide you…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… open this door and step in to meet your Dragon……………………….ask it any questions you may have or just be happy to greet it and be it it’s presence………….introduce yourself by name…..either your name or your magical name it does not matter as often here is where you will get your Dragon name………………………………………………………………………here I will leave you to converse with your Dragon………………………………………………………………………………remember to always give respect to the Dragon…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..ok it’s time to leave your Dragon for the moment, remember that now you have met them you will also be able to see them again when you need to……………………your Dragon shows you a door on the other side of the room to leave by…………you step through and find yourself back on the path that leads you back into the forest…………you start to walk back along this forest and soon find your way back to the clearing…… sit down take three deep breathes……………open your eyes and ground yourself by placing your hands on the floor in front of you.

Friday, 3 March 2017


Deck by Ciro Marchetti
So who's up for a little flexing of those psychic muscles?

Under which card is "The Fool" top or bottom?

Spirit Guides continued

Hi there, so more on Spirit Guides.

I have on many occasions been asked if all Spirit Guides are human, my answer is no, as we can have animals, angels, beings of light, dragons, faeries, crystals and even plants/trees as our Spirit Guides, and of course they do not have to be from this world or this dimension. Spirit Guides are unique to us. No-one has the same one and why would you want to share!

My team of Guides help and assist me to grow within my psychic gifts, they are the ones that shape my learning experiences by providing me with opportunities to push the boundaries and challenge me to expand. They also guide me towards other teachers / mentors who can assist me, they will also stop me if I am trying to go too fast too soon, as this can lead to overload or lessons not being learnt. so repeating can then mean a backward step is necessary, and yes I have had to repeat some lessons a few times to finally understand the message - much to their exasperation :-) but as I always say to them on these occasions, I will never forget these ones!!!!

Now I have different guides for different roles, mine are:

Gatekeeper / Guardian, this is my main contact to the Spirits of passed loved ones who wish to communicate with me or my client; they are the one that start to gather information about who is around me and what evidence / information that I can pass on to my client so that they know who me am connecting with. Once my client is happy that they know who is contacting them my Gatekeeper will then normally step back so I can communicate directly with the Spirit. They are also that ones that will turn my “ability” off so to speak when I do not want to be “on”

Then comes my Teacher, he (in my case) is the one that will supports me in further developing my gifts, be that within the psychic / mediumship area or general life lessons that need to be learnt. He is are there to encourage me to improve my skills, help motivate me to achieve more, let me shine more brightly and give assistance through my life lessons. He has an area of expertise, a vast knowledge that helps me to open up different ways of thinking when I am are faced with challenges. As my teacher guide he is the main one concerned with my spiritual development, so he is who I to ask the questions about where my path is taking me. He doesn't always tell me straight out, more gets me to find this information out for myself with his guidance.

I also have a couple of Joy guides, these guides are there to ensure that I continue to see the lighter side of life and to help me keep the passion in my life. They will often come into a reading when someone is depressed or lacking passion / joy within themselves and they will pass on information on how that person can recover this. They are often animals, and younger children as we are asked to stay connected to our “inner child”

A Healer guide is often one guide that I find changes (for me) on a regular basis as I often need healing for different reasons throughout my life and my clients will also need different types of healing. This guide will be more subtle then the others as their energy is softer, I will normally feel their guidance rather than see or hear them.

I will be posting later how to meet your guides with a written mediation and signs that you use to assist you in telling how they are contacting you.

Blessings Helen xoxo