Friday, 14 April 2017

Water Dragon - Zenira - Sil

Zenira-SIL (Zen-Ra) she is a water dragon and comes from a town called Senja in Norway. Zenira lives in the fjords that run along this coastline. Senja is often referred to as "Norway in miniature" because the island's diverse scenery almost reflects the whole span of Norwegian nature. Norway is, by any standards, one of the most beautiful countries on earth, but that beauty brings with it a responsibility that weighs heavily upon Norwegians. For here is a people with an enduring love for the natural world that is profoundly etched into the national character.

Zenira-SIL means “Nature Singer”, Zenira is a healer though song, her job is to help the people of Senja ensure that the nature order of their area is not upset. She will sing to bring peace and harmony to the area and heal any rifts. Zenira is silver and a very deep green in colour. Water Dragons look to the western quarter of the circle. Their colour range from the deepest blue to green and into purple, just as our sea / oceans. Water Dragons bring with them a feeling of cold and moistness.

Physical aspects of Water Dragons are: The Chalice, rivers, lakes, seas, oceans, floods, rainstorms, whirlpools.
Non-physical aspects: Love, intuition, calmness, peace of mind.
Negative aspects of the Water Dragon: Water Dragons can be lazy and sometimes, indifferent to you or your situation. They can have instability and a lack of emotional control.

Zenira is here to help you heal the rifts that you have inside of you, allow her to let this happen, trust in her and yourself. Your symbol is also about healing, it shows the rifts that you have experienced in your life and how you are still influenced by them. There are joined to your present path in life by your heart, you need to let these rifts heal, Zenira says it’s time to let them heal over.


Monday, 3 April 2017


Echinacea (Echinacea angustifolia, E. purpurea)- is a simple flowering plant and a member of the daisy family. The name derives from the Greek word ekhinos (hedgehog) because the cone resembles a small hedgehog. 

It is most certainly one of the more popular herbs and this is for a good reason. It is one of the top herbs for our immune system. It helps to build, strengthen and enhance the body’s ability to fight off diseases. Echinacea is best taken at the first signs of an illness and a great way to do this is as a tea.

Soothing Winter Tea
Infuse the echinacea for 15 minutes in boiling water and make sure to put the lid on the teapot while it steeps. Letting the echinacea tea to steep with the lid on the teapot will ensure that the herbs don’t lose any of their medicinal properties. You can add lemon and honey, as they give a great taste.
If you are using the dried herb – put 1 teaspoon of dried echinacea in a teapot. Pour two cups of boiling water into the teapot over the herb and let steep for about 15 minutes. You can add 1 teaspoon of fresh lemon juice and honey and mix it in well.
It is good to drink echinacea tea at first sign of cold, 2-3 times a day for up to 1 week, or until the symptoms improve.

Blessings Helen xoxo

Important Note

Understand that while Echinacea is considered safe for most people, caution should be used if pregnant, nursing or have any autoimmune conditions. Echincaea is not to be taken for long periods of time at high dosage. Any other questions or concerns please consult a qualified health professional

The Magician

The Magician
Power, skill, concentration, action, resourcefulness
Planet: Mercury

Last month we started the journey of the Major Arcana with The Fool, who is the beginning of the Tarot deck, he is all about freshness, openness and is often spontaneous. This month the Fool meets The Magician and he is all about our conscious awareness, he is the force that allows us to impact the world through the use of our individual will and power.

He is there to assist us to look at what we have in our lives and ask the questions
·         What works for you?
·         What can you change?
·         What can you let go of?

The questions always seem simple until we look underneath at the energies running through them. Do we think that we know the answers straight away or do they make us feel a little uncomfortable? It could be that you know that a change is needed but not how to change, if this is the case then the Magician can help, as he says, look beneath, see what is working and use that, look for your strengths and use them. Don’t linger on the negatives as it will only pull you down and the Magician wants you to become, bigger, better and brighter.

When the Magician comes to us in regards to a relationship issue, we are being asked to look at what is going on under the surface and not to take things at face value. He also ask us to evaluate our role in the relationship and what we are responsible for, are we trying to put the blame on others, are we not wanting to change what is ours to change.  Don’t let the issues bog you down, but try and experiment with what works and see how you can change for the better.

Blessings Helen xoxo