Wednesday, 31 May 2017

Sacred Elixirs - Joy

“Give birth to new ideas, new projects and new energies. Learn to link with your inner child to find the innocent joy in all things around you. Love freely, be true to yourself and be joyful”

Welcome to the wonderful world of Sacred Elixirs.
These Sacred Elixirs have been super charge with the energies of sun, magical moonlight and the healing energies of Reiki.
Each Sacred Elixir is programed to the vibrational frequency of the charka that it is working with. You Are Joy is working on the Heart Chakra which physically is associated with the reproductive organs, lower digestive organs and kidneys. Emotionally is it our connection and ability to accept others and new experiences. The crystals used to harmonize with this chakra are Carnelian which is the “feel good” stone and it can boost your confidence and energy levels, it will assist you to find the connection between emotion and dis-ease. Sunstone brings you positivity, vitality and promotes abundance.

Crystal elixirs have been used for centuries and are well researched; they can be an effective method of gaining the real benefits of crystal therapy. When a crystal elixir is taken internally, its can have a holistic effect which is released on all levels physical, emotional, and spiritual. We know how well water can be programmed and store vibrational energies, when combined with the energies and properties of crystals we can then harness a whole range of healing qualities.
Sacred Elixirs are recommended to be taken under the tongue as this puts the essence of the elixir directly into the sublingual tract, so it will be immediately absorbed, and does not go through the digestive tract. Dosages are easy to control this way.

Dosage: 7 drops twice daily directly under the tongue.

$20 for a 100ml bottle (includes postage in Australia)
0410 538 965

Helen xoxx

Tuesday, 30 May 2017

Wonders of Yarrow


Diaphoretic, astringent, tonic, stimulant and mild aromatic. 

Fights bacteria -  Yarrow has an antiseptic action. The bitter parts and fatty acids encourage bile flow out of the gallbladder. The free-flowing action improves digestion and prevents and gallstones from forming. Decongestant. Yarrow contains a drying effect and seems to improve coughs and sinus infections with sputum formation. Helps in the secretion of enzymes and digestive juice and increases appetite; both help in digestion. As an astringent yarrow is very helpful with allergies where nasal secretions and watery eyes are caused by moulds, dust, pollen and dander. Yarrow is also known to cause sweating in cases of flu, fevers and colds, helping to cure simple infections. Infusion -  Yarrow is used to aid in healing skin conditions, such as eczema. The essential oils are used and rubbed onto the affected area. Anti-inflammatory, the oil found in the yarrow has been used to treat arthritis. Expectorant, can helps to cure colds. Promotes digestion. 

Cautions: Not safe to use during pregnancy as it can affect the menstrual cycle and might cause miscarriage, caution while breastfeeding. Those with an allergy or who are sensitive to the Asteraceae/Compositae family. Stop taking 2 weeks before surgery as could slow blood clotting. Not advised to taken if there is a bleeding disorders.

Yarrow Tea
1tsp of dried yarrow
1 cup boiling water
Slice of lemon

Add the dried yarrow in a mug of boiling water and allow to steep minimum 10 minutes. Strain leaves.

Add honey to sweeten if desired or a slice of lemon.

Alternative method:
Add 2 fresh large Yarrow leaves to a cup of boiling water and let steep minimum 10 minutes. Remove leaves then if desired, add honey to sweeten or a slice of lemon.
Helen xoxx

Gecko - Spirit Aminal

  • Detachment from ego
  • Power to regenerate that which is lost
  • Facing fear
  • Controlling Dreams
  • Moving in the other world
  • Adaptation
  • Variation
  • Introversion
  • Quickness
  • Shrewdness
  • Going with the flow
  • Dream time
  • Spontaneity
  • Reflexive
If the Gecko is one of your personal Animal Totems you are being shown that you have the power to regenerate that which is lost. You can be prone to repeating some cycles simply because your energy loves re-create your emotional attachments in some way. You are extremely good at facing your fears and moving between realities and “otherworlds”

The Gecko teaches us to do what we must in struggles, there may be opposing energies at play in our lives and you are reminded not to be passive within these struggles. It is a time to do what you must to restore order and bring an end to any conflicts, Gecko will teaches you the importance of righteous anger and reminds you to use it. He shows how to be tactful and how to cope with and overcome obstacles, he will show how to let go of old outdated perceptions to make room for the new. Gecko can teach how to manoeuvre in this transition phase of mental, spiritual and emotional death and rebirth. He will show how to emerge successfully in this spectacular change within your Self. When Gecko appears it is also a time to pay attention to dreams and visions for he will show how to shift and moult perspectives. Are you holding too tightly to current perceptions and ideas? Are you balancing your emotion and mind? Gecko can show how there is regeneration in life's endeavours by listening to this inner guidance so one can find balance in this transition time.

Helen xoxx

Transformation Though Tarot

The Empress 

Upright: Fertility, femininity, beauty, nature, abundance

Reversed: Creative block, dependence on others

With the Empress the Tarot now starts to deal with the unification of spirit, mind and body. The Empress is the latter leg of this triad, representing the physical body and the material world. From her come all the pleasures of the senses and the abundance of life in all its forms. She is also the mother archetype, and through her we get a first glimpse of the power of love in the Tarot. The Empress is the archetype of the mother, the ultimate creator and giver of life; thus her associations can be extended beyond creativity into fertility, pregnancy and the daunting task of motherhood, which she always faces with a smile and a happy heart. She takes pleasure in all things, particularly her own creations - and everything in nature is her own creation.

When the Empress appears in our life, it’s time to open up to perfect and unconditional love. So take some time to celebrate Life! The Empress can also herald the conception or the birth of a child, and in that circumstance there is even greater reason to celebrate. The fertility that The Empress shows can also indicate new beginnings within career, money or relationships. She also asks us to step out of our day-to-day grind and step into nature, enjoy a walk, breathe in the fresh air and take a break.

Helen xoxx

Monday, 8 May 2017

Sacred Crystal Elixirs

I am so excited to announce that my fabulous Sacred Elixirs are all finished and ready for you all to try!!! woohoo 

These Elixirs have been a passion of mine for sometime, but I just needed a little extra encouragement that I was on the right path with them. I got a very big YES from my spirit guides when a beautiful friend asked me to make some up for her as she want to add them into her amazing packages that she is currently finalising, so I put my thoughts into actions and Sacred Elixirs were born.

Sacred Elixirs are an individual crystal therapy that assists in energising and clearing of your chakras.

With Sacred Crystal Elixirs, I combine the vibrational energies of water with the energies and properties of crystals to harness a whole range of healing qualities. I focus on clearing any blockages, balancing your chakras and energising your soul.
Each Sacred Elixir is programmed to the vibrational frequency of the chakra that it is working with and the crystals used within each Sacred Elixir has been specifically chosen to enhance the healing properties of the elixir. 

Crystal elixirs have been used for centuries and are well researched; they can be an effective method of gaining the real benefits of crystal therapy. When a crystal elixir is taken internally, it can have a holistic effect which is released on all energetic levels, physically, emotionally and spiritually. We know how well water can be programmed and store vibrational energies, when combined with the energies and properties of crystals we can then harness a whole range of healing qualities.

All Sacred Elixirs are produced from the finest ingredients and lovingly packaged into 100ml glass bottles. 

Cost: 100ml = $20 including postage and packing (within Australia

Buy yours today

Call me on 0410 538 965

Helen xoxx

Herb - Elderberry

Blooming elderflower Sambucus nigra Stock Photo

Elderflower has been used in traditional medicine all over the world in many different cultures due to its antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. The most common uses are for colds and flu, sinus infections, and other respiratory disturbances. As a supplement, elderflower also has diuretic and laxative properties and is helpful in relieving occasional constipation. Elderflower has antibacterial and antiviral properties and may also help alleviate some allergies and boost the functioning of the immune system. Topically, elderflower might help reduce pain and swelling in joints due to some forms of arthritis and is used to stop bleeding. As an oral rinse, elderflower can be used for its antiseptic properties as a mouthwash and gargle. Elderflower also reduces blood sugar levels, very similar to the way insulin works. Elderflower can cause gastrointestinal disturbances, such as nausea and diarrhea, especially when consumed in large amounts. Since elderflower can lower blood sugar levels, use by diabetics should be monitored.

Great Cold and Flu Buster

This is a classic herb combination as these herbs can assist to reduce fever, decongestant for a blocked sinus and help your body to fight off the infection.

·         1 teaspoon Yarrow
·         1 teaspoon Elderflower
·         1 teaspoon Peppermint

Use 1-2 tsp of herbal blend per cup of boiled water.  Let steep, covered, for 10 minutes and drink as hot as possible. 

Caution: Avoid using prior to and immediately following surgery as well. Cook berries before use and avoid other parts of the elder plant due to toxicity. Any other questions or concerns please consult a qualified health professional

Helen xoxx

Spirit Animal - Wolf

·       Are you misunderstood?
·      Do you need help learning how to make a stand yet, at the same time,   avoid a fight?
·      Could your strength and stamina use an energetic boost?
Then look to the Wolf spirit as he can help!
Wolf symbolism and meaning is rich and multidimensional.
When wolf appears in your life it might be time to take a closer look at a person or situation that may be seen as a “wolf in sheep’s clothing”. Understand that trust needs to be earned, not freely given. Pay close attention to what your instincts are telling you. While this Wolf symbolism seems negative, know that he is seen as an omen of something you might not be seeing, as wolves have a highly developed “third eye” or “sixth sense”, so if you are seeking out the Wolf symbolism and meanings perhaps it’s time to work on cracking open your intuitive senses. 
When you walk with the Wolf you will discover that your intuitive nature can start to blossoms, alongside a healthy sense of self confidence. Remember, your soul still remembers what it feels like to be wild and free, so trust those feelings and make your choices the way you want! Wolf will often appears when we about to face challenges that we feel less than prepared. Wolf reminds you that you have all the tools in your spiritual treasure chest to handle this effectively. Take a step back and see with fresh eyes.

As a Spirit Animal, Wolf comes to support and teach us about matters of personal power, balance, self-control and our animal instincts.

Such a truly majestic animal, worthy of our respect and love.

Helen xoxx

Tarot - High Priestess

 High Priestess

I love love this card, it is my "Women Power" card. She speaks to the inner voice, to our inner knowledge and she asks us "Are you really listening?"

Upright: Intuition, Higher powers, mystery, subconscious mind

Reversed: Hidden agendas, need to listen to inner voice

The High Priestess is arguably the most difficult of the Major Arcana to qualify with words alone, because so much of her power and ability is veiled in mystery that it is difficult for anyone to fathom it all. Every card in the Tarot speaks differently to everyone, but the Priestess seems to bear the widest range of interpretations, because she speaks directly to the Inner Voice, the unconscious mind.

The High Priestess remains as a guide to those of us willing to venture deep within our minds to discover the true powers hidden deep inside each of us. This is the same power as that depicted on the Magician, but the scope of the Priestess' power is far different. While the Magician focuses his powers outward, to achieve a meaningful effect on the world, the High Priestess shows us that we can also use these powers on an inner level, to enrich and transform ourselves. Such transformations are certainly not as dramatic as the Magician's, but they are almost always more powerful.

The unconscious often speaks to us in symbols, so be alert around you for anything that seems out of the ordinary. If you have an important decision to make when the Priestess appears, this is often a sign that the answers will be revealed to you, if you are patient and open to the whispers from within. You simply have to wait and be receptive to inner messages. 

Her lesson is that everything you need to know already exists within you.

So enjoy her power this month and remember look within and the answers will be there.

Helen xoxx

Dream..Dreams and more Dreams

What are dreams?
“Dreams a series of thoughts, images, and sensations occurring in a person's mind during sleep”
Dreams are essentially images or stories within our minds that are created when we sleep. They can be very vivid, they can be vague, mixed up and sometimes scary. These dreams can bring out many different emotions they can make us feel anger, sad, happy, and scared and a lot more in between. You can sometimes have very rational dreams and also ones that are completely confusing, but are dreams or dreaming necessary? Do we need them to process life? Or are they just pictures of our day to day lives? Are dreams just stories?
When do we dream?
We can dream at any-time during sleep, but the most vivid and often remembered are those that occur during REM (rapid eye movement) and some say we can have up to 6 dreams per night!
Links to poor health and bad sleep – some research has shown a correlation between bad sleep and health and well-being. It is said to affect us by increasing tension, making us more anxiety and depressed. It can affect our coordination and how we concentrate. So how do feel that your sleep or lack of has affected you?
Different Dream States
Day Dreams
Day dreams are the brains way of allow us to see the endless possibilities without having to do each and every one. They are psychologically healthy, helping you temporarily escape the demands of reality, release frustrations, and plan for a better future.  Have you ever tried to daydream an outcome to a situation so that it will be a 100% success?
Lucid Dreams
Have you ever had a dream where you knew that you were dreaming…in your actual dream? That is normally known as Lucid dreaming, this said to be go hand in hand with increased activity in parts of the brain that are normally suppressed during sleep, so it is the state between REM and awake. In this state and whilst in a lucid dream some people can influence their dreams by changing direction that the dream is taking or making themselves wake up. These dreams are rich and beautiful and can give you a sense of freedom. Can you think of a time when this has happened? What was it like? Did it solve anything for you?

Mistaken Awakenings
These are very much like lucid dreaming but in very short bursts, this is when you feel that you have woken up and are starting your day, only to actually wake up and think “Oh my god I was actually dreaming” what can often shock you out of these types of dreams is looking in the mirror or arriving at work and there is no-one there. Has this happened to you?
In nightmares, you don't know you're dreaming so the unconscious mind processes everything as if it were really happening. Some nightmares can be so vivid that the sensory system is triggered and you can feel certain types of pain. It can be very unnerving. These dreams are often brought on by stress, trauma, sickness, and drugs.
Tips for Dream Recall
If you are a sound sleeper and don't wake up until the morning, you are less likely to remember your dreams compared to people who wake up several times in the night. But here are some tips that may influence your ability to remember your dreams:
Wake up without an alarm. You are more likely to remember your dreams if you wake up naturally than with an alarm. Once the alarm goes off, your brain focuses on the annoying sound and turning it off and not your dream.
Remind yourself to remember. If you want to remember your dreams and make a conscious decision to do so, you are more likely to remember your dreams in the morning. Before you go to sleep, remind yourself that you want to remember your dream.
Dream playback. If you think about the dream right after waking, it may be easier to remember it later.

How to Make Sense of Your Dreams

If you are intrigued by your dreams or want to sort out the meaning behind them, consider keeping a dream diary or journal. Here are some tips:
Write it down. Keep a notebook or journal and pen next to your bed and record your dream first thing every morning, while the memory is still fresh. Write down anything you recall from the dream and how it made you feel, even if you can only remember random pieces of information.
Journal without judgment. Dreams are sometimes odd and may go against societal norms. Try not to judge yourself based on your dreams.
Give each dream a title. This may help if you want to refer back to a dream. Sometimes the title you create can provide insight on why you had the dream or the meaning behind it.
Dreams have fascinated humanity since the beginning of time and will likely continue to mystify us. And although science has allowed us to learn much about the human brain, we may never know for sure the meaning behind our dreams.
How our messages are given within our dreams

Our guides and passed loved ones will often come to us with messages, advice and healing through our dreams. Now if you are someone that doesn’t remember your dreams does that mean that the message is lost? No it is still powerful as it is speaking to your sub conscious and that is more than happy to receive this information and use when we need it most. Often these messages come back to us through others means to act as reinforcement of what is needed at the time they can come to us as a song, a certain word appearing to you time and time again. We need to be able to see and acknowledge this to be able to move forward.